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Would Modern Evangelical Christians Follow Jesus Today?

* Source: aWanderingMind.Life.

Image by Timothy Eberly

In the vast tapestry of religious history, few figures are as revered and universally recognized as Jesus Christ. His teachings, parables, and life have shaped the course of human history and have been the cornerstone of Christianity for over two millennia. But if Jesus were alive today, would he receive the same reception, especially among evangelical Christians in the US? There's a growing sentiment that many might label his teachings as "liberal nonsense." Let's delve into this thought-provoking perspective.

The Historical Jesus: A Radical Teacher

Compassion Over Condemnation

Jesus's teachings were revolutionary in his time. He preached love for one's enemies, compassion for the marginalized, and the importance of humility. In a society that was deeply stratified, Jesus often sided with the downtrodden, the poor, and the ostracized. He embraced those rejected by the rest of society - lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes - showing them a dignity, grace and unconditional love they had likely never experienced before.

Rather than condemning people for their sins or transgressions, Jesus focused on forgiveness and giving people a new start. When a woman caught in adultery was brought before him, Jesus said "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." He neither condoned her act, nor condemned her as irredeemable. This act of compassion was in stark contrast to the harsh justice of the time.

Challenging Established Norms

He frequently challenged the religious elite and questioned established norms. His parables, like that of the Good Samaritan, emphasized the importance of universal love and breaking societal barriers. Jesus associated with those deemed 'unclean' or inferior in society - Samaritans, Gentiles, women - treating them as equals and affirming their dignity as children of God. This countered the deep racial, gender and class prejudices that were normalized at the time.

Jesus redefined concepts like honor, greatness and righteousness - instead of associating them with power, prestige or wealth, he linked them to humility, service and love. When James and John asked to sit on his right and left hand in glory, Jesus replied "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all." (Mark 10:43-44) This challenged the dominant paradigm that greatness came through high position, social rank or force.

Modern Evangelicalism: A Shift in Priorities?

Political Alignments

In the contemporary US, evangelical Christianity often intersects with political ideologies. Some argue that the core teachings of Jesus, which emphasize compassion, love, and understanding, have been overshadowed by political agendas and cultural wars.

Rather than focusing on Jesus's message of good news for the poor and oppressed, modern evangelicalism has become intertwined with nationalism, conservative family values, and maintaining the status quo. Jesus's countercultural teachings about power, privilege and possessions seem to take a back seat. Partisan political affiliation often acts as a prime identifier for evangelicalism.

Prosperity Gospel and Materialism

The rise of the prosperity gospel, which links faith with financial success, is a far cry from Jesus's teachings about the dangers of wealth and the virtues of a simple life. Jesus advised the rich young ruler to sell his possessions and give to the poor. He stated it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

Yet the prosperity gospel proposes that God grants health and wealth to the faithful. This echoes the consumeristic mindset of modern American culture. The size of one's home, car and bank account become measures of virtue. Jesus's warnings against the corrupting nature of wealth and avarice are often downplayed or ignored. A lifestyle of minimalism and radical generosity seems antiquated, even though it aligned closely with how Jesus lived.

Jesus in Today's Context: A Liberal Perspective?

Social Justice and Equality

If Jesus were to speak on issues like income inequality, racial injustice, or healthcare for all, would his views align more with progressive or liberal ideologies? His emphasis on caring for the "least of these" suggests a deep concern for social justice.

Jesus's ministry emphasized lifting up the poor, marginalized and oppressed. He actively welcomed those excluded by society due to illness, disability, ethnicity or gender. If he walked the earth today, would he not have the same compassion for the disenfranchised in society? Would he not speak out against inequality, discrimination and bigotry that denies people dignity and justice? Many believe Jesus would advocate for political and social reforms to protect the vulnerable - stances now labeled as "liberal."

Environmental Stewardship

Given Jesus's teachings on the importance of creation and his reverence for nature, it's plausible to think he would advocate for environmental protection and sustainability. He lauded the beauty of the lilies, spoke of God feeding the birds of the air, and withdrew often to the wilderness for prayer and rest.

If Jesus delighted in the natural world, it follows that he would speak out against the exploitation and destruction of God's creation. Policies aimed at conserving resources, reducing pollution, and stemming the tide of climate change would likely gain his approval. Though not always a priority for evangelicals, environmental stewardship is integral to a biblical worldview.

Peace Over War

Jesus's teachings on peace, turning the other cheek, and loving one's enemies might clash with some modern evangelical stances on war and defense. Though Jesus lived under the oppression of Roman occupation, he did not join the zealots seeking to overthrow them violently. Rather, he taught radical forgiveness and non-violence.

Many evangelicals have adopted more hawkish views on military intervention, sometimes even glorifying warfare. But it's difficult to imagine Jesus endorsing anything other than diplomacy and peace-making. His example was to overcome hatred with love, not might with might. When Peter drew his sword to defend Jesus from arrest, Jesus told him "Put your sword back in its place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword." (Matthew 26:52). These words suggest active non-violence even in the face of injustice.

Conclusion: A Time for Reflection

The question isn't whether Jesus's teachings align with modern liberal or conservative ideologies. Instead, it's a call for introspection among believers. Are the teachings of Jesus truly at the heart of their beliefs, or have cultural and political influences overshadowed the core message of Christianity?

In a world rife with division, perhaps it's time to return to the foundational teachings of love, compassion, and understanding that Jesus so passionately preached. If Christians taken on the heart of Jesus, it could bring reconciliation and healing to the deepest rifts and wounds in society. Though the religious establishment sought to silence his radical worldview in the first century, the impact of Christ's message endures across nations, cultures and generations. Two thousand years later, the example of his life still inspires people to follow in his footsteps, take up their cross, and walk the path of radical faith, hope and love.


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