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Showing posts with the label Advice

The One Skill Needed to Take Control of Your Life

How To Take Control of Your Life When I was in Basic Training and AIT learning and developing the skills needed to be a successful Combat Medic, our Drill Sergeants and Whiskey Instructors, as they were called, said many things that have stuck with me since, but arguably, the most important thing they said (or yelled) over and over again was. " Make a decision! Any decision is better than no decision! " That phrase has stuck with me all those years, and as they were saying it, I understood the meaning in the sense that in a combat situation, indecisiveness leads to immobilization, which leads to death. That made absolutely perfect sense me, but after I left the military, I was no longer experiencing the highly stressful, simulated combat zone with instructors yelling at me.Yet, the saying stuck. In the few years after my ETS Date, I carried on with life continuing to be decisive in my thoughts and actions. However, when I started learning about script writing and film making,

How to Really Lose Weight

Many are struggling with their weight. They try various methods to lose the excess fat, and they may lose a few pounds to begin with, but gain it again soon after. Various companies take advantage of the fact that these people are struggling with their weight by selling them on these weight loss miracle products and diets that ultimately do not work. The truth is, you can lose the weight you want without buying into all of these obvious, predatory money grabs. In order to lose weight you just have to do one simple thing. It’s pretty obvious, and it’s backed by science. You simply have to burn more calories than you consume every day. If you do this every day, you will see the pounds come off day by day until you reach your target weight. This is an obvious tactic, and many are aware that it works. So why isn’t everyone doing it to reach their ideal weight? Doing this requires two things. The drive to do it and the resources, and luckily it is not very costly. You likely a