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Showing posts with the label Artist Applications

What is

* Source: aWanderingMind.Life ., owned by eBay, is a thriving digital marketplace that empowers artists to create, display, and monetize their unique digital works through the use of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) using blockchain technology. The platform provides an avenue for artists to showcase and sell their digital artwork, granting them the opportunity to digitally sign their work by creating a tokenized certificate. This process ensures the authenticity and originality of each piece of art, making it a unique digital collectible 1 . At the heart of's services is the belief in the power of community and the democratization of art. The platform fosters a vibrant community of creatives, collectors, and enthusiasts, facilitated through avenues like their Discord channel. This community-centric approach enables users to interact with the KnownOrigin team, gain platform updates, and engage in meaningful discourse with fellow artists and collectors 1 .