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Showing posts with the label Opinion

The One Skill Needed to Take Control of Your Life

How To Take Control of Your Life When I was in Basic Training and AIT learning and developing the skills needed to be a successful Combat Medic, our Drill Sergeants and Whiskey Instructors, as they were called, said many things that have stuck with me since, but arguably, the most important thing they said (or yelled) over and over again was. " Make a decision! Any decision is better than no decision! " That phrase has stuck with me all those years, and as they were saying it, I understood the meaning in the sense that in a combat situation, indecisiveness leads to immobilization, which leads to death. That made absolutely perfect sense me, but after I left the military, I was no longer experiencing the highly stressful, simulated combat zone with instructors yelling at me.Yet, the saying stuck. In the few years after my ETS Date, I carried on with life continuing to be decisive in my thoughts and actions. However, when I started learning about script writing and film making,

How to Make Money in the Stock Market in Late 2020 and Forward

S&P 500 at a New All Time High The S&P 500 has rallied 59% from the bottom reached in march. My last post explained my strategy on taking advantage of the 2020 stock market crash. I was able to double my portfolio since March by primarily investing in SPXL. SPXL is a 3X weighted ETF tracking the S&P 500. Meaning, a 1% move in the S&P 500 yields a 3% move in the price of this ETF. I have locked in some profits, and now, I’m looking to redeploy some my gains into some new opportunities to make some massive profits. Many experts are now saying the stock market is too expensive to be deploying money into right now. The average P/E ratio of the S&P 500 is now sitting at 36.4 when the average normally sit at about 21.12. While many companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and other companies with huge market caps have made significant gains. Most of the other companies in the S&P 500 have not yet recovered from the crash. The chart bellow shows the performance