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Showing posts from September, 2020

How to Pay Less in Taxes

3 Tools To Help You Pay Less Taxes We all have a love-hate relationship with taxes. While taxes go towards paying for public services everyone take for granted. We all wish we could pay a little less. Fortunately for us. There are a few things we can do to give less of our hard earned money to the government in taxes, and keep a little more for ourselves. The 401K Plan 401K plans are a great way to pay less in taxes and keep a little bit more for yourself, and many employers match your contributions, allowing you to essentially automatically double your tax-deferred contributions. With a 401K plan, you can allot a certain amount of money to be put towards your retirement before you pay your taxes, and you’d then be taxed when you start withdrawing your money later in life. The Roth IRA Account  Roth IRA’s are by far my favorite investment accounts. With a Roth IRA, you can make contributions after you’ve paid your taxes, and the great thing is that your money wil grow tax-free. Meaning

How to Make Money in the Stock Market in Late 2020 and Forward

S&P 500 at a New All Time High The S&P 500 has rallied 59% from the bottom reached in march. My last post explained my strategy on taking advantage of the 2020 stock market crash. I was able to double my portfolio since March by primarily investing in SPXL. SPXL is a 3X weighted ETF tracking the S&P 500. Meaning, a 1% move in the S&P 500 yields a 3% move in the price of this ETF. I have locked in some profits, and now, I’m looking to redeploy some my gains into some new opportunities to make some massive profits. Many experts are now saying the stock market is too expensive to be deploying money into right now. The average P/E ratio of the S&P 500 is now sitting at 36.4 when the average normally sit at about 21.12. While many companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and other companies with huge market caps have made significant gains. Most of the other companies in the S&P 500 have not yet recovered from the crash. The chart bellow shows the performance

How to Really Lose Weight

Many are struggling with their weight. They try various methods to lose the excess fat, and they may lose a few pounds to begin with, but gain it again soon after. Various companies take advantage of the fact that these people are struggling with their weight by selling them on these weight loss miracle products and diets that ultimately do not work. The truth is, you can lose the weight you want without buying into all of these obvious, predatory money grabs. In order to lose weight you just have to do one simple thing. It’s pretty obvious, and it’s backed by science. You simply have to burn more calories than you consume every day. If you do this every day, you will see the pounds come off day by day until you reach your target weight. This is an obvious tactic, and many are aware that it works. So why isn’t everyone doing it to reach their ideal weight? Doing this requires two things. The drive to do it and the resources, and luckily it is not very costly. You likely a

How to Make Money During a Market Sell-Off

Making Big Gains When the Market Makes Big Moves. Today, 03 September 2020, we saw a big dip in the market. The S&P 500 dipped 3% by 11:30 AM EST and this is how I took advantage of the it: Every morning, when I wake up, I take a look at futures. On this particular morning, they were all in the negatives. Then, I looked at my watch lists. By primarily looking at my list of the top 500 market cap companies, I anticipated a dip in the market. I’m always looking for a market dip. In my opinion, market dips provide a great opportunity to make money in both short and long term investments. Next, I looked at the VIX, the S&P 500 volatility index, and saw an increase. That cemented my decision. I went to my go-to stock for market dips, SPXS. SPXS is a 3X weighted bear EFT that tracks the S&P 500. Every 1% move downward in the S&P will yield a 3% increase in the price of SPXS. While I could have decided to short SPXL, a 3X weighted ETF that moves in the same direction as the S&